حاولت الدراسة بيان المضامين الدعوية الواردة في سورة الحاقة، وذلك من خلال النظر في محاور السورة ومقصدها، ويعتبـر المقصد الأساسي في نزول سورة الحاقة هو إثبات وتأكيد صدق القرآن الكريم، وذلك بالقسم على أنه منـزل منه سبحانه وتعالى على رسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم، حيث به الحجة والتذكرة التـي بها ندخل الجنة، وبه أيضاً الوعيد والإنذار للكافرين، ونلمح هذا المقصد في المقطع الأخيـر فأن السورة دفاع عن القرآن، وخبر بحتمية وجود الدار الحق، وتأكيد على صدق رسول الله، وتنفي عنه تهم المشركين.
وفي بداية السّورة نلحظ هذه الرهبة من اسمها، الحاقّة؛ لأنّ وقوعها حقّ يقينيّ ثمّ تصف مصارع المكذبين، من ثمود الى عاد الى فرعون ثمّ تنتقل الى مشاهد القيامة وأهوالها وصورها، وتنوّع الناس إلى فريقين، فريق يأخذ كتابه باليمين، وفريق يأخذ كتابه بالشّمال ويلقى كل فريق ما يستحق.
تتميـز السور المكية بتركيزها على أصول الدين وقصص النبوة والبعث والنشور وكان الهدف من البحث إيضاح مكانة سورة الحاقة في القرآن الكريم، مع إبراز المضامين الدعوية العامة الواردة في سورة الحاقة، وإلقاء الضوء على الأساليب الدعوية الواردة فيها، كما احتوت سورة الحاقة على العديد من المضامين الدعوية في مجال العقيدة حيث أوجبت الإيمان بالله سبحانه وتعالى، والإيمان بالملائكة، والكتب، والرسل واليوم الآخر.
كما اشتملت على المضامين الدعوية في الحث على الأعمال الصالحة، و إقرار مبدأ التكافل الاجتماعي، و تجلت القيم الأخلاقية التي يمكن استنباطها من سورة الحاقة، كقيمة الصّدق، والعدل.
The study tried to clarify the advocacy contents contained in Surah Al-Haqqah, by looking at the axes of the surah and its purpose, and the main purpose in the revelation of Surah Al-Haqqah is to prove and confirm the sincerity of the Holy Qur'an, by swearing that it is a revelation from Him Almighty to His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), where it contains the argument and the reminder by which we enter Paradise, and also by it the threat and warning to the disbelievers. This purpose hints in the last section, that the surah is a defense of the Qur'an, the best of the inevitability of the existence of the Dar Al Haq, and an affirmation of the sincerity of the Messenger of God and denies him the charges of the polytheists.
At the beginning of the surah, we notice this awe of its attached name, Al-Haqqah; because its occurrence is a proper certainty, then it describes the wrestler of the liars from Thamud to Aad to Pharaoh, then moves to the scenes of the resurrection, its horrors and imagines, and the diversity of people into two teams, a team that takes its book by right, and a team that takes its book by left and each team receives what it deserves.
The Meccan surahs are distinguished by their focus on the origins of religion and the stories of Prophets, and resurrection. The aim of the research was to clarify the status of Surah Al-Haqqah in the Holy Qur'an, highlighting the general advocacy contents contained in Surah Al-Haqqah and shedding light on the advocacy methods contained therein. Surah Al-Haqqah also contained many advocacy contents in the field of faith, as it required faith in God Almighty, faith in angels, books, messengers, and the Last Day.
It also included the advocacy contents in urging good deeds, approving the principle of social solidarity, and the moral values that can be deduced from Surah Al-Haqqah, such as the value of honesty and justice.
It is also clear through the Holy Surah that Islam in its advocacy system uses all methods to reach the souls and minds of people, and the story is one of these images in the Holy Quran, He mentions among the best stories aimed at the beauty of the style the power of the live emotion, and the correctness and clarity of the idea. He has also adopted invitation and intimidation as the main method of encouraging the act of duties and avoiding taboos and is considered one of the methods of advocacy that has a profound impact on human hearts and souls; because it moves their instinct towards good, provokes them to do it, hates evil and provokes them in his warfare and quitting it.
Surah Al-Haqqah included this great method, and its advocacy and educational orientations for fear, hope, promise, threat, invitation, and intimidation of reasonable human beings.