ما زالت الألسن والأقلام تخوض في صحيح الإمام البخاري رحمه الله تعالى، وكأن الإمام البخاري لما ألف كتابه أخفاه، ولم يعرضه على أساطين النقاد في عصره، وهم الذين لم يجد الزمان بمثلهم، ولم يصل أحد لرتبتهم ممن أتى بعدهم حتى اليوم، وهؤلاء الجهابذة قد سلموا له، ثم تجد بعضاً من المتأخرين، رتبة، وطبقة، وقيمة، عن الأولين يحاولون هز الثقة في الصحيح.
ولعل القصد من وراء ذلك؛ نزع هالة الاحترام والتبجيل والتوقير المتوارثة عبر العصور للصحيحين، وعلى رأسهما: صحيح الإمام البخاري، معللين ذلك: أن البخاري قد خرّج عن رواة تكلم فيهم النقاد، غافلين، أو غير واقفين على تصريحه، بأنه رحمه الله تعالى لا يخرج إلا ما صح عنده من حديث من يروي عنه، فقال: (كل رجل لا أعرف صحيح حديثه من سقيمه لا أروي عنه، ولا أكتب حديثه).
كما أنه رحمه الله تعالى أيضاً يخرج لمن تُكلم فيه إذا تابعه عاضد أو متابع، كما نص على ذلك الحافظ في الهدي قال: ويكون التصحيح وقع من حيث المجموع.
وقد وضحت ذلك في دراية هذا الحديث، وفي روايته تعرضت للنص القدسي بشيء من البيان، بما يتناسب مع المقام.
Tongues and pens are still delving into the Sahih of Imam al-Bukhari, may God have mercy on him, and it is as if Imam al-Bukhari, when he wrote his book, hid it and did not present it to the most powerful critics of his time, and they are the ones who did not find time. Like them, and none of those who came after them reached their rank until today, and these scholars have surrendered to him, then you find some of the later ones, rank, class, and value, about the first ones trying to shake confidence in The Sahih.
Perhaps the intention behind that; He removed the halo of respect, reverence, and reverence inherited through the ages for the two Sahihs, and at the head of them: Sahih al-Imam al-Bukhari, justifying this: that al-Bukhari has left narrators about whom the critics spoke, heedless, or not standing on his statement, that he does not come out except what he has authentic hadith Who narrates on his authority? He said: (Every man whose hadith I do not know is authentic, I do not narrate from him, and I do not write his hadith). And in another place he said: (Zama'a ibn Salih goes to the hadith, he does not know his authentic hadith from his sick, I do not narrate from him, and everyone who is like this, I do not narrate from him)
And he, may God Almighty have mercy on him, also comes out to those who spoke about it if he follows him, supporting or following him, as stated by Al-Hafiz in Al-Huda. He said: And the correction occurred in terms of the totality.
I made this clear in my knowledge of this hadith, and in its narration, I dealt with the Qudsi text with some clarification, in proportion to the position.