Background: Chronic myelogenous leukemia is a malignant hematological disease of hematopoietic stem cells. It is difficult to adapt treatment to each patient's risk level because there are currently few clinical tests and no molecular diagnostics that may predict a patient's clock for the advancement of CML at the time of chronic phase diagnosis. Biomarkers that can differentiate people based on the outcome at diagnosis are needed for blast crisis prevention and response improvement.
Objective: This study is an effort to exploit the SLC25A3 gene as a potential biomarker for CML.
Methods: RT-qPCR was applied to assess the expression levels of the SLC25A3 gene.
Results: In comparison to the mean ΔCt of the control group, which was found to be 0.409±1.69, the mean ΔCt of CML patients was found to be 0.256±2.7 (p < /em> = 0.701). Furthermore, when grouped by gender, there were no significant differences between CML patients and controls, whereas a significant difference was only detected when grouped by age. Additionally, the mean of gene expression folding of the SLC25A3 gene in CML patients was found to be 4.589±8.552 which is >1. Finally, no statistically significant link was discovered when the fold of expression was correlated with the age and gender of CML patients.
Conclusions: Gene expression folding (2-ΔΔCt) was greater than 1 in CML patients which indicates that the gene could be used as a potential marker for the diagnosis, targeted therapy, and monitoring of prognosis in CML.