The present study was designed to examine the influence of oocyte quality and different media supplement on in vitro maturation, cleavage and embryo development of buffalo oocytes. . Four experiments were conducted. In experiment 1, oo- cytes were classified by number of cumulus cell layers and morphology of ooplasm as excellent, good or fair. Oocytes were cultured for in vitro maturation, fertilization and embryo culture (IVMFC) in TCM-199 plus 10%FCS (fetal calf serum). In experiment 2, excellent quality oocytes were cultured for maturation in TCM- 199 enriched with either 10% FCS or estrous buffalo serum (EBS) and then fertilized using frozen thawed buffalo semen capacitated in BO medium containing heparin and caffeine. In experi- ment 3, oocytes were classified into two groups; group (1) was without gonadotropins and serve as a control; group (2) in which IVM medium was supplemented with 20 iu/ml gonadotropins (PMSG). Experiment 4 was carried out to examine the suitable capacitating agent which added to BO medium, either heparin or sodium caffeine benzoate or both. In all experiments, oocytes were kept at 39°C under 5% CO2 for IVMFC and examined for cleavage and embryo development (morula and blastocyst). Excellent and good quality oocytes produced a higher (p<0.05) maturation and cleavage rates than poor quality oo-cytes. Blastocyst production rate was also higher (p<0.05) for excellent as compared with good quality oocytes. In experiment 2, the in vitro maturation and cleavage rates were significantly higher (p<0.05) in IVM medium plus 10% EBS than those cultured in 10% FCS. In experiment 3, the addition of PMSG to maturation medium increased (p<0.05) developmental competence of buffalo oocytes (IVMFC) compared with control medium, in experiment 4, the addition of heparin together with caffeine to BO medium produced significantly (p<0.05) higher cleavage and em bryo developmental rates compared with 'heparin‘ or caffeine alone. In conclusion, excellent quality oocytes cultured in IVM medium supplemented with either protein additives (EBS) or hormonal supplement (PMSG) and fertilized with capacitated buffalo spermatozoa in BO medium enriched with heparin and caffeine progressively enhanced developmental competence of buffalo oocyte.