Eight adult male camels were used for semen collection during rutting season (Nov.2001-March,2002). By using the recently invented “El-Hassanein Camel Dummy" at Maryout Research Station of Desert Research Center. Sucrose and Tris and their combinations were used for preparing five extenders for camel semen. Dilution to 150x106 motile sperms/ml was carried out in two steps. Diluted semen filled in 0.5ml straws. Three freezing and two thawing rates were applied to evaluate spermatozoa freezability and post-thawing viability. Progressive motility (PPM) and acrosomal integrity (PIA) were evaluated post-dilution and at 0, 2 and 4 hours of post-thawing incubation. The new collection technique significantly improved the quantity and quality of the delivered semen. The obtained semen volume, ejaculate concentration, progressive motility and acrosomal integrity averaged 15.3 + 1.15 ml, 810.3 +2.21x106 sperm/ml, 81.6 + 1.01% and 89.7+ 1.94%, respectively. Dilution of camel spermatozoa in a Sucrose-Tris extender significantly reduced dilution effect on spermatozoa viability and improved their freezability and their post-thawing viability. Slow and rapid-thawing rates had a relatively comparable effect on post-thawing viability. However, the optimum viability was achieved in semen frozen rapidly (at -140°C for 15 min.) and thawed slowly (at 40°C for 3D sec.) after dilution in an extender composed of: 4.38% (g/v) sucrose 1.592% (g/v) Tris, 0.872 % (g/v) citric acid monohydrate, 20 % (v/v) egg-yolk, 3.5 % (v/v) glycerol, 1000 iu penicillin/ml and 1000 μg streptomycin vial. Estimated reductions in PPM pre-freezing, post-thawing and after 2 and 4 hours of incubation post-thawing were 5.5, 6.1, 23.3 and 42.5%, respectively. Corresponding reductions in PIA were 5.9, 9.1, 15.7 and 35.3%, respectively. Consequently, it is concluded that combination of sucrose and Tris in camel semen extender has positive effect on viability of spermatozoa after dilution, freezing and post-thawing incubation.