The present work was carried out on the pelvic limbs of ten adult clinically healthy balady goats of both sexes obtained from several farms at Ismailia Governorate. Animals were bled to death, and the hind quarters were separated and in vitro injected via the abdominal aorta with a mixture of colored gum milk latex and Barium sulphate for angiography and gross dissection to outline the vasculature of the crural regions. Most of leg muscles M. ex tensor digitalis longus, M. extensor digitalis lateralis, M. peronaeus (fibularis) longus, M. peronaeus (fibularis) tertius, M. tibialis cranialis, M. zastrocnemius, M. soleux, M. flexor digitalis superficialis, M. flexor digitalis profundus [Mm. flexor digiti I longus, tibialis caudalis & flexor digitalis longus) and M. popliteus) were resected and each was radiographed independently to clear the source, size, site of entrance and the pattern of the intramuscular distribution of its arterial pedicles. The present study revealed that, the craniolateral group of the crus muscles gained their blood supply from variant arterial pedicles which arose from the cranial tibial artery. Meanwhile, the caudal group of muscles was supplied by many pedicles stemmed from the femoral, saphenous, distal caudal femoral, popliteal and caudal tibial arteries. From the clinical point of view, the investigated leg muscles were classified into five categories according to their observed nature of the arterial pedicles (dominant, major or minor Moreover the obtained results recommended that, each of the M. peronaeus (fibularis) longus, M. peronaeux (fibularis) tertius and M tibialis cranialis can be used for regional transposition or used as muscle flap in experimental and recon- structive surgery.