Ovarian status of donors at the time of commenc-ing superovulation was a detrimental factor in superovulation regimen. The present study was car- kaline phosphatase (Spectrophotometery). The tied out on 8 purebred native cows. Three analysis of data showed that anoestrous cows dissuperovulation regimens were conducted. Experi- played oestrous behaviour at a Significantlymentl(n=8), non cyclic cows received norgestom- (P<0.05) longer time (52.00 + 2.53, 50.40 + 2.19| Clear implants, 3500 i.u. eCG on day 7 post im-Plantation and 250 pg GnRH analogue was injected during the induced oestrus. Experiment and 45.60 + 2.40 for exp. 1, 2 and 3 resp.), andsignificantly higher plasma P4 levels at implant removal (P<0.01) and during oestrus (P<0.05).2(n=6), cyclic cows received the same regimen With injection of 2500 i.u. of eCG. Experiment 3(n=6),The number of CL and unovulated follicles did not differ significantly between anoestrous and the same cyclic cows received the same cyclic cows (5.80 + 0.80 and 6.00 + 1.34 : 7.60 +lreatment as in experiment 2, GnRH was replace 1.31 and 5.20 + 2.13, 8.00 + 1.34 and 3.40 + 1.83With 2000 lu. hCG. i.m during oestrus. Timing to ‘for cxp.1, 2 and 3 resp). Plasma P4 levels reached S€strus and duration of oestrus were recorded. their maximal values on day 7 post oestrus with a Ovarian response was determined on day 7 post significant (P<0.01) lower valuc in exp. com-Strus USING rectal palpation and ultrasonogra- — pared with exp. 2 and 3. Plasma T4 level signifi-hy, Blood samples were collected on days-II, cantly (P<0.01) decreased in exp. following tratment. plasma P4 and glucose concentrations at eCG injection correlated significantly (P<0.01) with the subsequent ovulation rate. plasma P4 correlated significantly (P<0.01) with the number of corpoura lutea, glucose and cholesterol values. However, the correlation between other blood metabolites and either P4 or ovulation rate lack significance. In conclusion, ovarian response to superovulation in native cows in Egypt is not affected by ovarian status. plasma P4 and glucose play a significant role in subsequent ovulation rate. Other blood metabolites were of no value in the control of ovarian response to super ovulation in native cow in Egypt. Ultra sonography is more accurate in predecting the super ovulation response in the rectal palpation.