cyclic for IM, IVSM and DC were non significantly (31.43, 32.86 and 31.08 hrs, respectively). In cxCyclic Barki ewes (n=39), in good body condi- periment II, 36 Barki ewes were injected IVSm lion, were assigned for 2 experiments. In experi- with 0.4 ml prosolvin, 19 (Group I) of these synment I, ewes were divided into 3 main groups, | chronized ewes were injected IM with | ml of rethen each group was divided into 3 subgroups. ceptal (GnRH) 48 hrs after PG injection and 17 Group I was injected intramuscularly (IM) with 3. ewes were used as control (Group II). All ewes ml lutalyse, | ml estrumate or 1 ml prosolvin. © were mated and observed for estrus 17-25 days of Group II were injected intra-vulvo-submucosa. insemination. Seven-tecn (89.47%) cwes that re-(IVSM) with 35-40% of IM dose. Group [I] were ceived GnRH and 15 (88.24%) in control group Yachronized with the same dose and types of lu- did not return to estrus up to day 25 of mating.colytic hormones as group II, but the drugs were Pregnancy rate at 2 months of mating were significant Infused deep cervical (DC). The percentages of icantly differ at P<0.05 (76.47 and 89.47%, for owes that expressed estrus sign if icantly differ at | contro] and GnRH group, respectively). The rate P<0.05 (82.14, 96.55 and 86.67%) for IM, IVSM _ of twinning and litter size were also higher in md DC, fespectively. The interval times from PG GnRH ewes than control (36.84 Vs 17.6 % lo estrus were also significantly differ at | P<0.09 and 1.23 Vs 1.44; P<0.05). on (57.7, 52.5 and 60.35 hrs) for IM, IVSM TT _ IC, respectively, The duration of estrus phase