Two hundred and fifty (250) one day old chickens (domestic fowl) (Gallus domesticus) treated with 1/20 of LD50 of fenitrothion and carbofuran in- secticides for 30 days. Serum, liver and muscle samples were selected for biochemical analysis at 7. 15 and 30 days. While samples for histopatho- logical evaluation was taken at 30 days post treat- ment with the two insecticides. Samples for resi- due determination were taken at 7, 15 and 30 days post treatment.
Biochemical findings revealed decrease in serum cholinesterase associated with increase in ALT, AST and triacylglycerol level in both fenitrothion and carbofuran administered chicks. There was decrease in serum cholesterol, total lipid, HDL, LDL and total protein levels. Contrasting of feni- trothion that decreased serum glucose level, carbofuran increased it. There was increased total Lipid and decreased total protein in livers of both treated groups. Fenitrothion and carbofuran had adverse effect on liver glycogen content and mus- cular total lipid. Both treatments decreased total protein content in muscle. The carbofuran de- creased muscle glycogen content more pronounced than fenitrothion. Histopathologically, in fenitrothion treated chicks, there were generalized hyperemia, congestion and degenerative changes in all parenchymatus organs, meanwhile in carbofuran treated chicks, there were congestion, multiple heamorrhages and necrotic changes in parenchymatus organs.
The present report revealed effects of fenitrothion and carbofuran on biochemical and pathological aspects of broiler chicks. Its recommended those birds slaughter at least 10-15 days after fenitrothi- on and carbofuran contamination.