The MyoDfamily of myogenic regulatory factors (MRFs) include several genes such as Myogenin that have the potency to impact economically important traits in beef cattle and therefore it could be used as genetic marker for marker assisted selection (MAS). The current study was aimed at investigating the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) inMyogenin gene, estimating the allele and genotype frequencies of the Myogenin gene and to determine the effect of such polymorphism on some growth traits in cattle and buffalo. Genomic DNA was extracted from whole blood of 100 Friesian cattle and 100 Egyptian buffalo. The PCR products of Myogenin gene were subjected to genotyping. PCR-SSCP technique was used to genotype Myogenin gene at the exon-1 and intron-llocus. Two genotypes were determined in cattle (AA and AB). Significant positive association was found between AA genotype and average daily gain. However, no significant association between this genotypeand any other growth traits was detected.Sequencing results revealed a transition of A — G atposition 959 in exon 1 of the MyoG gene in cattle that caused the substitution (959Serine/959Cysteine). These results could be included into marker assisted selection programs to improve the productivity in cattle breed. On the other hand, no polymorphism butonly one genotype was detected in buffalo which is the AB genotype, and accordingly no association analysis was performed in buffalo breed.
myogenic regulatory factors, myogenin, Genotyping, growth traits, cattle, Buffalo
Dept. of Biochemistry and Chemistry of Nutrition, Facult. of Vet. Med., Cairo University.
Dept. of Biochemistry and Chemistry of Nutrition, Facult. of Vet. Med., Cairo University.
Dept. of Biochemistry and Chemistry of Nutrition, Facult. of Vet. Med., Cairo University.
Dept. of Biochemistry and Chemistry of Nutrition, Facult. of Vet. Med., Cairo University.
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Veterinary Medical Journal (Giza)
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Association between polymorphism of Myogenin gene and Growth traits in Cattle and Buffalo