
تعقبات الحافظ ابن حجر العسقلاني المتوفى سنة(852)هـ في كتاب "لسان الميزان"على ابن عبد البر المتوفى سنة(463)هـ جمع ودراسة


Last updated: 03 Jan 2025






هذا البحث تناولت فيه تعقبات الحافظ ابن حجر العسقلاني في  كتاب  "لسان الميزان" على الإمام ابن عبد البر، وبينت فيه أهمية الموضوع، وأسباب اختياري له، وتعريف التعقبات، وأهميتها، مع ترجمة موجزة بالإمامين ابن حجر، وابن عبد البر، ونبذة مختصرة عن كتاب لسان الميزان. وجمعت تعقبات الحافظ ابن حجر في كتابه لسان الميزان على ابن عبد البر، فبلغ عددها (أربعة عشر) تعقباً، وهذه التعقبات متنوعة في مضمونها وموضوعها ؛ كأن يتعقبه في الحكم على الحديث، وفي حكمه على بعض الرواة، وفي تمييز أسماء بعض الرواة المهملين، كما تعقبه في ترجيح حديث من وجه دون وجه، وتعقبه في رواة لم يعرفهم، كما تعقبه في دفاعه عن بعض الرواة، وتعقبه أيضا في سياقة إسناد بعض الأحاديث.  وهذه الأربعة عشر تعقبا قد أصاب الحافظ في (تسعة منها)، ولم يصب في (ثلاث تعقبات)  وقد يورد ابن حجر تعقبا ذا شقين فيصيب في شقه ولا يصب في شقه الآخر. والهدف من تعقبات الأئمة بعضهم بعضا، هو تنقيح الكتب وتحريرها من السهو والهفو.    فالكلام الذي لا يأتيه الباطل من بين يديه ولا من خلفه هو: كلام الله الحكيم, وكلام من شهد بعصمته القرآن الكريم. وكلّ كلام بعد ذلك فله خطأ وصواب, وقشر ولباب. وختمت البحث بخاتمة اشتملت على أهم النتائج.  Abstract: This research dealt with the comments of Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani in the book “Lisan al-Mizan" on Imam Ibn Abd al-Barr, and I explained in it the importance of the topic, the reasons for my choice of it, the definition of the follow-ups, and their importance, with a brief translation by the two imams Ibn Hajar and Ibn Abd al-Barr, and a brief overview of the book. Libra tongue. Imam Ibn Hajar's comments were collected in his book Lisan al-Mizan on Imam Ibn Abd al-Barr, and their number reached (fourteen) comments. These comments are diverse in their content and subject matter. Such as he followed it in judging a hadith, and he followed it in his ruling on some narrators, and he followed it in distinguishing the names of some neglected narrators, just as he followed it in giving preference to a hadith from one face to another, and he followed it in narrators he did not know, as he followed it in his defense of some narrators, and he also followed it in his context. Attribution of some hadiths. Of these fourteen traces, Al-Hafiz was correct in (nine of them), but he was not correct in (three of the traces). Ibn Hajar may provide a two-fold trace, so he is correct in one part and not in the other part. The aim of the imams following each  other is to revise the books and free them from omissions and omissions. The words to which falsehood does not come from before it or behind it are: the words of God, the Wise, and the words of those who bear witness to the infallibility of the Holy Qur'an. Every statement after that has a right and wrong, and peel and core The research concluded with a conclusion that included the most important results Keywords: Traces; Ibn Hajar; Ibn Abd al-Barr; Lisan al-Mizan. Abstract:
This research dealt with the comments of Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani in the book “Lisan al-Mizan" on Imam Ibn Abd al-Barr, and I explained in it the importance of the topic, the reasons for my choice of it, the definition of the follow-ups, and their importance, with a brief translation by the two imams Ibn Hajar and Ibn Abd al-Barr, and a brief overview of the book. Libra tongue. Imam Ibn Hajar's comments were collected in his book Lisan al-Mizan on Imam Ibn Abd al-Barr, and their number reached (fourteen) comments. These comments are diverse in their content and subject matter. Such as he followed it in judging a hadith, and he followed it in his ruling on some narrators, and he followed it in distinguishing the names of some neglected narrators, just as he followed it in giving preference to a hadith from one face to another, and he followed it in narrators he did not know, as he followed it in his defense of some narrators, and he also followed it in his context. Attribution of some hadiths.
Of these fourteen traces, Al-Hafiz was correct in (nine of them), but he was not correct in (three of the traces). Ibn Hajar may provide a two-fold trace, so he is correct in one part and not in the other part. The aim of the imams following each
 other is to revise the books and free them from omissions and omissions. The words to which falsehood does not come from before it or behind it are: the words of God, the Wise, and the words of those who bear witness to the infallibility of the Holy Qur'an. Every statement after that has a right and wrong, and peel and core The research concluded with a conclusion that included the most important results
Keywords: Traces; Ibn Hajar; Ibn Abd al-Barr; Lisan al-Mizan.




تعقبات, ابن حجر, ابن عبد البر, لسان الميزان


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محمد حمودة محمد

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قسم الحديث وعلومه ،كلية أصول الدين والدعوة بالزقازيق، جامعة الأزهر








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المجلة العلمية لکلية أصول الدين والدعوة بالزقازيق

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تعقبات الحافظ ابن حجر العسقلاني المتوفى سنة(852)هـ في كتاب "لسان الميزان"على ابن عبد البر المتوفى سنة(463)هـ جمع ودراسة




Created At

23 Dec 2024