إنالنصيحةفيشريعتنالهاالأهميةالعظمىوالغايةالنبيلة،فبالنصيحةتسموالأمم،وتتوحدالكلمةويتحققالهدف،ويقومالاعوجاج،وتصححاالأخطاء،وهيأمربمعروف،ونهيعنمنكر،يحتاجإليهاكلإنسانحاكمأومحكومسيدأومولى،غنيأوفقير،بماتتحققالنصرةبإذناللهتعالىوتنتشرالفضيلةويتحققمبدأالأخوةوالألفةوالمحبةبينالمتناصحين. ولكنلماكانبعضالباحثينخلطفيبيانأهميةالنصيحة،ولميلتزمبآدابها،ولميرجعذلكإلىالقرآنوالسنةرأيتالحاجةملحةلإجراءدراسةعلميةتتبينمنخلالهاأهميةالنصيحة.
ولعلىبهذه المقدمةأستطيعتلخيصأسباباختيارالموضوعللبحث فيمايلي: - أنكتابالله-عزوجل-وسنةرسوله - صلىاللهعليهوسلم-مليئتانببيانأهميةالنصيحة،فأرجوأنهذاالبحثيسهمإسهامامباشرافيبيانأهميةالنصيحةفيهما. ، وبيانالفرقبينالنصيحةوالتشهيروذلكبمراعاةحدودالنصيحةوضوابطهافيضوءالكتابوالسنة. ،وإبرازآدابالنصيحةوشروطهامنخلالالكتابوالسنة،فالقرآنالكريمبينلناجانبامننصحالأنبياءالسابقينعليهمالصلاةوالسلام،والسنةبينتهديسيدالمرسلينفيالنصيحة. فمعظمالدراساتالمتعلقةبالنصيحةكانطرحهامجملالاتفصيلفيه،ولمأجدمنتناولأهميةالنصيحةببحثمستقلفيمااطلعتعليه،فأحببتأنأفردهذاالموضوعببحثمستقلليسهلالرجوعإليه.
Abstract :
Advice in our Sharia is of great importance and a noble goal. With advice, nations are exalted, the word is united, the goal is achieved, crookedness is corrected, mistakes are corrected, and it is enjoining good and forbidding evil. It is needed by every human being, ruler or ruled, master or master, rich or poor, with what Victory will be achieved, God willing, virtue will spread, and the principle of brotherhood, intimacy, and love will be realized among those who advise each other. But since some researchers confused the importance of advice, did not adhere to its etiquette, and did not refer to the Qur'an and Sunnah, I saw the urgent need to conduct a scientific study through which the importance of advice becomes clear.
Perhaps with this introduction, I can summarize the reasons for choosing the topic for research as follows: - The Book of God - Glory be to Him - and the Sunnah of His Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - are full of clarifying the importance of advice, so I hope that this research contributes directly to explaining the importance of advice in them. Explaining the difference between advice and defamation, by observing the limits and controls of advice in the light of the Book and the Sunnah. And highlighting the etiquette of advice and its conditions through the book and the Sunnah, as the Holy Qur'an showed us a side of the advice of the previous prophets, may blessings and peace be upon them, and the Sunnah showed the guidance of the master of the Messengers in advice. Most of the studies related to advice were presented as a whole without detail, and I did not find that dealing with the importance of advice in an independent research in what I saw, so I liked to single out this topic in an independent research to facilitate reference to it.
Keywords: Importance ;Advice - Holy Qur'an - Sunnah.