الحمدلله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على أشرف الأنبياء والمرسلين، وبعد:
فإن هذا البحث الموسوم بـ(النهي عن التحديث دراسة حديثية تأصيلية تطبيقية) يدرس المواطن التي نهى الصحابة والأئمة عن رواية أحاديث بعينها، وتقع أهمية البحث في كونه: دراسة لبعض تطبيقات الأئمة، وكشف أوجه التعارض بينها، وسبل التوفيق بينها وبين وجوب التبليغ والكف عنه، وبيان أوجه العموم والخصوص في المواضع التي يكف فيها المحدثون عن التبليغ، وقسمتُ هذا البحث إلى مقدمة: ذكرتُ فيها الخطة والمنهج والدراسات السابقة، ومبحث أول أسمتيه: تبليغ الخطاب وشروط أئمة الحديث: تناولتُ فيه النصوص التي تؤكد على تبليغ الدين سواء كان كتاباً أو سنة، وعلاقتها بشروط الحديث الصحيح التي نص عليها الأئمة، وذكرتُ بعضاً من الشبهات الواردة على هذا الموطن. ومبحث ثاني وأسميته: النهي عن التحديث وأقسامه، وذكرتُ فيه الأقسام الضدية، وتحت كل قسم أسباب النهي وضده، وخاتمة: ذكرتُ فيها أهم النتائج التي توصلتُ إليها، ومنها أن هذه المواضع ليست مقتصرة على أبواب التحديث فقط، بل تشمل جملة التبليغ لدين الله عزوجل.
الكلمات المفتاحية: التحديث ؛ التبليغ ؛ النهي؛ دراسة ؛حديثية ؛تأصيلية؛ تطبيقية.
Research Summary:
A fundamental and practical hadithic study on the prohibition on relating Hadith
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the universe, and blessings and peace be upon the noblest of the prophets and messengers. And as to what follows: This research, titled "The prohibition of relating hadith: a hadithic study of the legislative discourse and the applications of scholars," studies the circumstances under which the companions (Sahabah) and the scholars prohibit relating hadith in and of itself.
The research is significant because it examines some of the applications of scholars, revealing aspects of contradiction and reconciling them with the obligation of relating hadith and ceasing from it. Explanation of generality and specificity in areas where hadith scholars (Muhadithun) refrain from relating hadith.I classified the research into:i. Introduction, where I discussed the research plan and methodology and the previous studies.ii. First chapter: I titled it "Conveying the Message and the Conditions of the Hadith Scholars Regarding It," in which I dealt with the texts that emphasize the conveyance of the deen, whether it's Qur'an or Sunnah, and its relationship with the conditions of authentic hadith as stipulated by the scholars. I also mentioned some ambiguities (Shubhaat) related to this issue.iii. Second chapter: I titled it "the prohibition on relating hadith and its conditions," in which I mentioned the conflicting types, and, under each type, the subdivisions when the need arises
iv. Conclusion: I mentioned in this part the main outcomes that I reached, including that these areas are not peculiar to relating hadith only, but include the generality of conveying the religion of Allah, the Almighty.
Keywords: Prohibition Of Relating Hadith ; Conveying The Religion ; Reconciling Conveyance And Ceasing From It; Study ; Hadithic ; Original ; Applied.
Research Summary:
A fundamental and practical hadithic study on the prohibition on relating Hadith
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the universe, and blessings and peace be upon the noblest of the prophets and messengers. And as to what follows: This research, titled "The prohibition of relating hadith: a hadithic study of the legislative discourse and the applications of scholars," studies the circumstances under which the companions (Sahabah) and the scholars prohibit relating hadith in and of itself.
The research is significant because it examines some of the applications of scholars, revealing aspects of contradiction and reconciling them with the obligation of relating hadith and ceasing from it. Explanation of generality and specificity in areas where hadith scholars (Muhadithun) refrain from relating hadith.I classified the research into:i. Introduction, where I discussed the research plan and methodology and the previous studies.ii. First chapter: I titled it "Conveying the Message and the Conditions of the Hadith Scholars Regarding It," in which I dealt with the texts that emphasize the conveyance of the deen, whether it's Qur'an or Sunnah, and its relationship with the conditions of authentic hadith as stipulated by the scholars. I also mentioned some ambiguities (Shubhaat) related to this issue.iii. Second chapter: I titled it "the prohibition on relating hadith and its conditions," in which I mentioned the conflicting types, and, under each type, the subdivisions when the need arises
iv. Conclusion: I mentioned in this part the main outcomes that I reached, including that these areas are not peculiar to relating hadith only, but include the generality of conveying the religion of Allah, the Almighty.
Keywords: Prohibition Of Relating Hadith ; Conveying The Religion ; Reconciling Conveyance And Ceasing From It; Study ; Hadithic ; Original ; Applied.