Nuclear energy technologies have wide applications that have proved to enhance economic development and improve quality of life. To realize development goals stipulated in national development agenda, effective and sustainable application of nuclear and related technologies will be necessary. Additionally, by virtue of nuclear energy technology being knowledge intensive, there are myriad positive spin-off effects correlated with application of the technology. The Government of Kenya is aware of such benefits and is implementing a nuclear energy program for both electricity generation and other applications. Despite Kenya having no research reactor facility, products and services of research reactors are widely utilized locally in various fields. Local ownership and operation of a research reactor is envisaged to improve timely access and affordability of research reactor products and services. Preliminary studies have established the need for a research reactor in Kenya. From stakeholders need assessment, draft functional requirements for Kenya Nuclear Research Reactor (KNRR) concept design have been defined. Kenya is currently carrying out a feasibility study that seeks to identify obligations and commitments necessary for the safe and sustainable implementation of the KNRR Project. Successful implementation of KNRR project will foster sustainable development through economic growth and improved quality of life. Construction of KNRR is planned to commence in 2027 while commissioning is scheduled for 2030.