Platelet volume is measured by MPV; bigger platelets contain more granules. It demonestrates how many illnesses have an inflammatory load .UA is one of the main meaningful antioxidants in biological fluids from humans. So, it was believed that UA's antioxidant properties may lengthen life and/or lower the risk of cancer.
This study investigated the potential of serum uric acid (SUA) and mean platelet volume (MPV) as diagnostic markers for neonatal sepsis. The study included full-term and preterm infants, and it was approved by the Ethics Committee of Fayoum University's Faculty of Medicine.
Subjects and Methods: Between July 2018 and January 2019 this study was conducted at Fayoum university hospitals neonatal intensive care unit involving 100 infants 54 male and 33 female these infants were divided into two groups group 1 comprised 50 newborns who were diagnosed with neonatal sepsis based on clinical and laboratory findings while group 2 consisted of 50 healthy neonates who exhibited no clinical signs or laboratory evidence of sepsis.
Inclusion criteria of cases: Neonates (full term and preterm) with neonatal sepsis symptoms and signs were classified as NS using the Griffin score and blood cultures.
Results: Septic neonates had greater MPV levels and statistically decreased serum UA levels. MPV and UA had area under curve values of 0.65.4 (P = 0.01) and 0.69 (P = 0.001), respectively. MPV and UA diagnostic cut-off values for newborn sepsis were 11.2 fl and 2.6 mg/dl, respectively.
Conclusions: MPV and UA should be tested in the early stages neonatal sepsis.
Keywords: mean platelet volume, MPV, Newborn, Sepsis, Uric acid
Faculty of medicine fayoum university
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Fayoum University Medical Journal
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…The role of mean platelet volume and serum uric acid in the diagnosis of neonatal sepsis…