Objective: Evaluation of the influence of two endodontic sealers on the push-out bond strength of fiber posts bonded by a self-adhesive resin cement. Materials and methods: 42 premolars with average root length of 17±1 mm were chosen. Teeth were cut 2mm above the CEJ. Endodontic treatment was performed then teeth were distributed into 2 equal groups (n=16) as follows; Group_1: Teeth obturated by X4 gutta-percha and AdSeal sealer. Group_2: Teeth obturated by X4 gutta-percha and CeraSeal sealer. After 7 days, post-space preparation was done leaving 4-5 mm apical seal. Post space was rinsed with 5% NaOCl then 17% EDTA. Posts were salinized then bonded using Rely X U200 self-adhesive resin cement. Teeth were placed in epoxy-resin then sectioned perpendicular to the root long axis. 3 specimens 2mm thick were obtained corresponding to every root third. Push out test was done. Maximum load to failure was recorded in Newton(N) then converted into MPa. Five teeth were sectioned longitudinally following post space preparation and examined using (SEM) at 1000x. Results: Gr_1 recorded statistically significantly higher mean value compared to Gr_2 as indicated by two-way ANOVA. Apical region group recorded statistically significant highest mean value followed by middle region group while cervical region group recorded statistically significant lowest mean value as indicated by two-way ANOVA. Pair-wise Tukey's post-hoc test showed non-significant difference between middle and apical regions. Conclusions: Bioceramic sealers reduced the bond-strength between root dentin and fiber posts when self-adhesive luting agent was utilized.
bioceramic sealer, resin sealer, resin cement, Push out bond strength
Department of Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Cairo University, School of Dentistry Newgiza University
Department of Fixed Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Cairo University, School of Dentistry Newgiza University
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Egyptian Dental Journal
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Comparison of bond strength of fiber posts in root canal treated teeth obturated with two different sealers (An Invitro study)