Background: The use of nanoparticles for medication delivery offers the possibility of avoiding the negative effects of systemic antibiotic dosing as well as antibiotic resistance in bacteria.
Aim of the study: the goal of this study to see how well the efficiency of local administration of tetracycline loaded on nanochitosan in the treatment of the induced infection the of the albino rats gingiva with Porphyromonas gingivalis.
Material and methods: Fifty adult male albino rats 150 - 180 grams body weight used in this investigation. The animals were observed for any body weight changes. The male albino rats were divided haphazardly into five groups as: Group I involved 10 rats; they served as normal negative control group. Group II involved 10 rats, they infected once with P.gingivalis that injected into the interdental gingiva. Group III involved 10 rats, they subjected to the same procedure as group II then to daily injection at the site of infection with diluted
Tetracycline powder. Group IV involved 10 rats they subjected to the same procedure as group II then to daily injection of Chitosan at site of injection. Group V involved 10 rats they subjected to the same procedure as group II then to daily injection of Tetracycline were loaded on Chitosan at site of injection.
Results: . No significance difference appears in group V when compared to control (group I).
Conclusion: Tetracycline loaded on chitosan nanoparticle could represent a new trend to overcome the tetracycline resistance and to avoid the antibiotic adverse effects.
tetracycline, Nano particles, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Chitosan
Associate Professor in Oral Biology Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Suez Canal University,
Associate Professor in Oral Pathology Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Suez Canal University
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Egyptian Dental Journal
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The effect of Tetracycline Loaded on Nanochitosan in the Treatment of Induced Infection with Porphyromonas Gingivalis; ( Histological and Immunohistochemical Study )