This study evaluated the effect of four different feeding regimes on the growth, health, economic effiency and perception of aquaculturists regarding Oreochromis sp. in the Guayas Province, Ecuador. Four treatments based on different feeding regimes were established: T1, once a day with a daily interval; T2, once a day with an interval every two days; T3, twice a day with a daily interval; and T4, twice a day with an interval every two days. Growth parameters such as total fish weight gain, average daily weight gain, daily feed intake, expected weight gain for each daily feed intake, feed conversion ratio, protein efficiency, and protein productive value were measured. Health parameters included serum total protein content, albumin, serum globulins, cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose levels. Economic efficiency parameters such as feed cost and feed cost per kilogram of weight gain were also assessed. Additionally, surveys were conducted with aquaculturists to assess the perception of aquaculture farmers regarding the importance of growth factors, fish health, and economic efficiency in the selection of feeding regimes for Oreochromis sp < /em>. The results indicated that treatment T3 was the most effective in maximizing growth; treatment T1 excelled in fish health; and treatment T2 was the most economically efficient. In conclusion, the choice of feeding regime will depend on the farmers' priorities, with a general trend, according to the survey, toward economic efficiency and growth, while fish health, although relevant, is a secondary priority.