One of the primary export fishing products from Indonesia is crab. Since the ASEAN nations of Singapore and Malaysia have the same potential of the US and Japan, several crab businesses have established export destination markets there. The goal of this study was to assess the Indonesian competitiveness relative to other countries exports of crabs in the markets of Singapore and Malaysia from 2017 to 2021 to improve strategies for boosting Indonesian crabs' competitiveness in the international market, particularly in Singapore and Malaysia. The revealed comparative advantage (RCA) index with time-series data from 2017 to 2021 and the diamond Porter model (DPM) approach were the analytical methods used in this study. Three different varieties of crab from Indonesia are shipped to Singapore and Malaysia. [o1] [MOU2] According to RCA estimations, two out of every three Indonesian crabs have high competitiveness, but they still need to be enhanced in light of the intense competition. According to the DPM research, the strategy, structure, and competition of the Indonesian crab business still need improvement. Other elements, particularly those related to circumstances, government, and opportunities are also important. To achieve a favorable effect on the Indonesian economy and foster a more wealthy society, the competitiveness of Indonesian crab items should rise.
[o1]Is there any closed relation between 3 different varieties with RCA index and DPM...
[MOU2]The PCA and DPM indices will determine which varieties have competitiveness. The results of this analysis will form the basis for the industry to take further strategic steps.