Ginger and curcumin showed a variety of important properties in fish, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immunostimulatory actions. The protective effects of curcumin and/or ginger supplementation have been evaluated against oxidative stress caused by ultraviolet (UVA) radiation in terms of hemo-biochemical parameters, lipid peroxidation, DNA fragmentation, and antioxidant enzymes. 160 healthy Oreochromis niloticus fish (n= 20/group) were subjected to 8 groups (1) control, (2) fed with Curcumin (10 mg/kg body weight), (3) fed with Ginger (10 mg/kg body weight), (4) were fed with Curcumin + Ginger, (5) exposed to ultraviolet (UVA) 60 min/ day for three days, (6) exposed to UVA+ Curcumin, (7) exposed to UVA + Ginger, (8) exposed to UVA + Curcumin + Ginger for three days. The findings demonstrated that after exposure to UVA, hematological indices including hemoglobin (Hb), red blood cells (RBCs), hematocrit (Hct), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), white blood cells, and lymphocytes significantly decreased, whereas mean corpuscular volume (MCV), neutrophils, and eosinophils significantly increased. For biochemical markers including total protein, cholesterol, triglycerides, urea, creatinine, ALT, and AST were significantly decreased, whereas glucose significantly increased. Curcumin and ginger supplements were able to reverse abnormalities in the hemo-biochemical parameters Additionally, after exposure to UVA, the antioxidant enzymes such as Superoxide dismutase, Catalase, and Total Antioxidant Capacity significantly decreased in the liver, kidney, and gill. Whereas lipid peroxidation and DNA fragmentation (%) levels were significantly increased in the same organs. Curcumin and ginger supplements reduce UVA-induced oxidative stress and also restore antioxidant enzymes.