Dates have a high nutritional value and are considered a basic food for humans since ancient times. Dates are considered the fruits with the highest sugar content. These components vary according to the nature of the fruit, whether it is moist, semi-dry or dry, as well as according to the environmental conditions surrounding the trees. The components of the fruits also vary according to the varieties. The percentage of sugars in the date exceeds 70-78% of the components of the fruit. These sugars are characterized by their rapid absorption, direct transfer to the blood, digestion and burning. Despite the export importance of date palms in Egypt and their advanced position on the list of Egyptian agricultural exports, and Egypt's eighth place in the world in its exports, its exports were characterized by fluctuation and instability during the period 2005-2022, the average quantity of exports amounted to about 30.11 thousand tons during the study period, at a rate of about 2.06% of the average production, which led to fluctuations in the return from these exports, which requires the need to stand on the determinants of external demand for these exports in global markets to provide the necessary means to develop these exports And to develop it and maintain its current markets and open new markets for it and that there is a direct relationship between the number of populations of importing countries and the quantity of Egyptian exports of dates. This is in line with economic logic. With an increase in the number of populations of importing countries by about 1%, the quantity of Egyptian exports of dates increases by 1.71%, and there is also a direct relationship between language and the quantity of Egyptian exports of dates. This is in line with economic logic, and whenever the same language is in importing and exporting countries, the quantity of Egyptian exports of dates increases by about 4.92 tons, and the adjusted coefficient of determination reached about 0.50 for the model.