The research generally aimed to analyze the reality of financial inclusion in Egypt, by studying the various dimensions of financial inclusion in general, and the positive effects it has on human development indicators and the relative decline in poverty rates in Egypt, and using a composite index to estimate the causal relationship between financial inclusion and the index. Human development and poverty rate during the period (2011-2023) using the counteraction method. The research found that there is a statistically significant bidirectional causal relationship with an inverse relationship between the financial inclusion index and the poverty rate. The causal relationship between the financial inclusion index and the human development index is a positive, statistically significant, one-way relationship that goes from financial inclusion to human development only.
The econometric method was also used through a model to measure the mutual relationship between financial inclusion and human development, which showed that human development is an integral factor in supporting financial inclusion, and another standard model was created to measure the impact of financial inclusion and human development on poverty in Egypt, a based on five economic variables: automated teller machines, the number of borrowers from commercial banks, the number of commercial bank branches, the number of depositors in commercial banks and education. The results of the research concluded that there is an inverse relationship between the variable Automated teller machines (ATMS) and the variable number of commercial bank branches per 100,000 population (CBB) on the one hand, and poverty on the other hand. The results also indicated that there is a direct relationship between the variables of the number of commercial bank borrowers per 1,000 adults (BCB), and the number of Depositors in commercial banks per 1,000 population (DCB), education (Educ) on the one hand, and the poverty variable on the other hand.