The main objective of.the research was studying.the current situation of production and export e of the Fully Mature Onion. A stratified. random sample was drawn from 200 onion. fully mature growers. It collected. by personal interview, and. secondary data secured from. different sources. during the study. period 2010 – 2021. Descriptive and quantitative analysis were. employed in data analysis. to achieve study aims.
Results of The research:
- The area cultivated with single winter onions tended to increase at a rate of about 3.96% of its average during the study period, while the area cultivated with winter-bearing, summer and indigo onions tended to decrease at an annual rate estimated at 5.96%, 10.3%, 3.81% of their average during the study period.
- That 82.3% of the changes in the area planted with winter onions are attributed to changes in the farm price per ton of onions in the previous year and the area planted with winter onions in the previous year.
- The optimal production volume was about 21.2 tons/feddan, farmers, and the volume of production that maximizes profit is about 21.7 tons / feddan, and it achieved only about 4.5% of the sample farmers.
- The degree of concentration of Egyptian exports of the fully Matur Onion increased, as the value of the Jenny Hirschman coefficient for the geographical concentration of both the quantity and value of onion exports reached about 47.87% and 45.12%, as Saudi Arabia alone accounted for about 39.71% and 38.1% of the average total quantity and value of Egyptian onionexports , respectively . During the study period, which indicates an increase in the risk of onion exports.
- An increase in the market share of Egyptian onion exports in Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Libya and Turkey.
- Egypt enjoys a price competitive advantage in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Lebanon, Syria, Greece, Romania, Italy, Ukraine, Belarus, Germany, France and Bahrain.
- The high rate of penetration of Egyptian onions into the markets of Germany, the Netherlands, Lebanon, Italy, and the Russian Federation, and its decrease in the rest of the markets.