Tonsillectomy is one of the most common surgery in pediatric and bleeding is one of the most serious complications related to tonsillectomy. Tranexamic acid is a plasminogen inhibitor which has been successfully used to control bleeding in a variety of surgeries.
The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of tranexamic acid on bleeding in pediatric patients undergoing elective tonsillectomy.
Materials and methods
The present study included 225 patients classified into three groups: ( = 75): Group A: The tranexamic acid was given after induction intravenously as 15 mg/kg over 10 min. Group B: The tranexamic acid was given after induction intravenously as 15 mg/kg over 10 min and continued infusion as 5 mg/kg/h during surgery. Group C (control group): The patients did not receive tranexamic acid. The bleeding was assessed by the extent of blood loss using the Boezaart blood grading scale, measuring blood in the suction jar, and by visual estimation of 4 × 4 gauze pads.
The comparison of Boezaart blood grading scale and amount of blood loss was insignificant between the three groups ( > 0.05).
The present study showed no effect of tranexamic acid in decreasing the tonsillectomy-related bleeding and there is no complication related to tranexamic acid. We are recommending other studies to measure the fibrinolytic activity during tonsillectomy and its inhibition by tranexamic acid.