Laser acupuncture may be offered to patients with needle phobia and children. This study aimed to investigate efficacy of the acupuncture point stimulation (Liv3 and P6) in preventing PONV and hemodynamic response to intubation in children.
Sixty children, ASA I or II aged 3–12 years, undergoing strabismus surgery were divided into 3 equal groups; 20 child each Group I (laser acupuncture group), Group II (ondansetron group) 0.15 mg/kg IV group and Group III (control group). Laser stimulation was performed bilaterally over 30 s, 15 min before induction of anesthesia and 15 min after arriving in the recovery room. Systolic, mean and diastolic BP and HR were measured in groups I and III before induction (times 1, 2), before intubation (time 3) and every minute after intubation for 5 min (times 4–8). 0–3 PONV scale was reported in all 3 groups I, II and III at 0–1 h, 1–6 h and 0–12 h postoperatively.
MABP and HR were significantly less in the acupuncture group at T4, T5 ( values are < 0.05) as compared with the control group. Nausea, retching and vomiting in the control group were statistically significantly higher than both acupuncture and ondansetron groups at all intervals.
Laser stimulation of acupuncture points P6 and Liv3 decreases but does not prevent hemodynamic stress-response to endo-tracheal intubation in children, and effectively decreases postoperative nausea, retching, and vomiting in children undergoing strabismus surgery.