The term artificial intelligence (AI) is used for various socio-technological approaches and has been defined in many ways. Regarding public relations and marketing, AI is positioned to fundamentally change both tactical and strategic processes, thereby thoroughly empathizing relationship management and social responsibility.
. It appears that the future of the communication profession in PR and marketing would be a blend of both AI technologies and human insight.
The current study tends to explore the advantages marketing practitioners would possess when utilizing AI technologies especially ANI (Artificial narrow intelligence). The current research is set to answer two major questions: RQ1 How is AI professionally utilized in marketing? RQ2 How did academic research tackle utilizing AI in communication, PR, marketing and marketing communication?
First, a secondary analysis of more than 50 empirical studies tackling AI, marketing and related disciplines published in referred journals and referred books was carried out. The time interval of the study sample has fallen between 2018-2023 due to the recency of the topic. Findings revealed that western research schools haven't prevailed in this topic, rather Asian AI research schools from India, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam prevailed together with the Turkish literature. Pertaining to utilizing AI in marketing, the study found out that practitioners mostly lack professional perspective of AI. The study suggests a number of AI topics to be introduced to qualify practitioners for the ever-changing milieu of AI based communication, including core and ethical concepts, marketing AI research, content intelligence, data analytics, sentiment analysis and NLP