ArticleDoppler-guided hemorrhoidal artery ligation with recto-anal repair versus Milligan Morgan hemorrhoidectomy for grade IV hemorrhoids
ArticleDoppler-guided hemorrhoidal artery ligation with recto-anal repair versus Milligan Morgan hemorrhoidectomy for grade IV hemorrhoids
ArticleDoppler-guided hemorrhoidal artery ligation versus digital-guided ligation in management of second-degree and third-degree hemorrhoids
ArticleDoppler-guided hemorrhoidal artery ligation versus digital-guided ligation in management of second-degree and third-degree hemorrhoids
ArticleDoppler-guided hemorrhoidal artery ligation with mucopexy versus stapled hemorrhoidopexy in the management of grades 3 and 4 prolapsed hemorrhoids: A prospective randomized clini
ArticleDoppler-guided hemorrhoidal artery ligation with mucopexy versus stapled hemorrhoidopexy in the management of grades 3 and 4 prolapsed hemorrhoids: A prospective randomized clini
ArticleComparative Study between Doppler-Guided Haemorrhoidal Artery Ligation (HAL) and Conventional Haemorrhoidectomy for Treatment of III& IV Degree Haemorrhoids
ArticleComparative Study between Doppler-Guided Haemorrhoidal Artery Ligation (HAL) and Conventional Haemorrhoidectomy for Treatment of III& IV Degree Haemorrhoids
ArticleEvaluation of Doppler-guided hemorrhoidal artery ligation in the management of symptomatic hemorrhoids
ArticleEvaluation of Doppler-guided hemorrhoidal artery ligation in the management of symptomatic hemorrhoids
ArticleEvaluation of Doppler-Guided Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation (DGHAL) as a Novel Technique in Management of Hemorrhoids
ArticleEvaluation of Doppler-Guided Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation (DGHAL) as a Novel Technique in Management of Hemorrhoids
ArticleClinical outcome after Doppler-guided hemorrhoidal artery ligation and rubber-band ligation for the treatment of primary symptomatic hemorrhoids
ArticleClinical outcome after Doppler-guided hemorrhoidal artery ligation and rubber-band ligation for the treatment of primary symptomatic hemorrhoids
ArticleLaser hemorrhoidoplasty procedure versus harmonic scalpel hemorrhoidectomy: a comparative study for the treatment of grades III and IV hemorrhoids
ArticleLaser hemorrhoidoplasty procedure versus harmonic scalpel hemorrhoidectomy: a comparative study for the treatment of grades III and IV hemorrhoids
ArticleStapled hemorrhoidopexy versus Milligan–Morgan technique (open hemorrhoidectomy) in surgical treatment of third-degree and fourth-degree circumferential piles
ArticleStapled hemorrhoidopexy versus Milligan–Morgan technique (open hemorrhoidectomy) in surgical treatment of third-degree and fourth-degree circumferential piles
ArticleA Comparison between the Outcome of LigaSure Hemorrhoidectomy Versus Conventional Milligan Morgan’s Technique
ArticleA Comparison between the Outcome of LigaSure Hemorrhoidectomy Versus Conventional Milligan Morgan’s Technique