The use of the laparoscopic approach for liver resections became popular worldwide and is now of increasing popularity in Egypt. The growing experience in laparoscopic liver resections has made it more applicable in cirrhotic livers with hepatocellular carcinoma.
The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility and safety of laparoscopic left lateral liver resections in a tertiary centre in Egypt.
Patients and methods
A retrospective analysis of laparoscopic liver resections was undertaken in patients with preoperative diagnoses of a hepatocellular carcinoma with compensated cirrhosis. Surgical technique included CO pneumoperitoneum and liver transection with a harmonic scalpel and laparoscopic Habib 4X sealer without portal triad clamping or hepatic vein control. Portal pedicles and large hepatic veins were stapled. Resected specimens were placed in a bag and removed through a separate incision, without fragmentation. Nonparametric data were presented as medians (range), and categorical data as frequency and proportion (%). value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Statistical analyses were performed using the IBM SPSS software, version 23.
From August 2008 to February 2016, 38 liver resections were included. Eleven patients with a diagnosis of HCC were planned for laparoscopic left lateral resection. The mean tumour size was 5.6±2.1 cm. There were five conversions to laparotomy: two cases because of bleeding, one because of stapler failure, one because of accessibility failure, and one because of failure to extract the specimen. Mean blood loss was 150±75 ml. Mean surgical time was 160±40 min. There were no deaths. Complications occurred in two patients: only one patient developed postoperative ascites and the other developed bile leak.
Laparoscopic left lateral bisegmentectomy is feasible and safe in selected patients with adequate training and preparation.