Wadi El Khariq has a vast area that can be reclaimed. Carbonates represent the main aquifer. The
interpretation results of the Vertical Electrical soundings lead to detection of five geoelectrical layers. The third and
fourth layers correspond to the fractured and argillaceous limestone, represent the water-bearing layers. The
interpretation results of the eight 2-D Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) profiles gave more illustrative
information about the lateral facies changes, the structures effect along the study area, distribution of the different types
of water-bearing limestone and the depth to these water-bearing layers. The deduced structures from electrical study
are represented by the faults F1-F6. The faults F1 and F2 are confirmed from both 1D and 2D imaging profiles. The
fault plains of F1, F2, F5 and F6 are continuous between the measured imaging profiles.The 2D imaging profiles
revealed that the clay content increase eastwards. The correlation results of the natural gamma and lithological logs of
the drilled wells as well as the constructed hydrogeological profiles revealed that the area of study affected by another
group of faults (F7-F12). These faults affect on the groundwater occurrence and quality. These faults lead to the
formation of graben and horst structures, lateral facies changes, variation in layers thickness and the occurrence of the
fractured limestone layer lying beneath the calcareous clay at variable depths. Most of the detected faults in the study
area have NW-SE trends coinciding with the lineation analyses of the faults and fractures of El Khariq basin.
The fractured limestone aquifer in the study area is recharged via the percolation of the surface runoff water of local
precipitation on Gable El Maghara catchment area through the fracture lines, fault planes and bedding planes besides
paleowater of the paleo-rainy seasons. The depth to water varies from 60 t0 114 m. The groundwater salinity of the
wells drilled in El Khariq plain varies greatly due to the effect of the lithological nature of the water-bearing formation
and the well design. It varies from 2335 mg/l to 12548 mg/l . The discharge value (Q) varies from 60 m3/h to 12 m3/h.
This variation is related to the extension and type of the effective fracture systems affecting the concerned aquifer.