Water logging is considered one of the great problems that suppressing agricultural development. It appears in the land as patches that change to lakes, with time, in some parts. The present study concentrates on the reasons of source water logging and suggesting solving methods. The study area at the kilometer 35 at Cairo - Ismailia desert road (i.e Orabi society) which suffered from this problem. The present study is carried out on two farms to solve this problem as a case study that can be applied in other areas. The geoelectrical technique such as Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) is a suitable tool for this study. This area is occupied mainly by sedimentary deposits belonging to the Tertiary and Quaternary ages. The interpretation of the vertical electrical soundings led to detection of three geoelectrical layers “A", "B" and "C". Generally, these layers are composed of alternative sand, limestone and clay intercalation. It is noticed that the resistivity values of geoelectrical layers increase downwards in the two farms due to increasing in sand and limestone and decreasing of clay intercalation. There is a clay layer inside layer "B" in the two farms having low resistivity values (<1.5 to 4.5 Ohm.m). This clay layer is acting as impervious layer and plays a basic role to prevent the sewage or seepage water to pass downward causing phenomena of water logging. The depth to water (sewage or seepage water) in both farms ranges from 1.25 to 2.2m as interpreted from the Vertical Electrica Sounding curves. The salinity value of water (sewage or seepage water) from test well in farm (I) is about 2590ppm. This water salinity is suitable for irrigation of some trees, while the salinity of surface water sample taken from irrigation beside farm (I) is 320 ppm. The salinity value of a test hole in farm (II) is about 3000 ppm, while the salinity of surface water sample taken from irrigation pump is 280 ppm. The clay contents in subsurface sediments have an effect on the salinity values. It is recommended for solving the phenomenon of water logging according to the geoelectrical results in the farm (I) to drill two hand dug water wells with special casing at sites of VES'es stations 5 and 8 or drill a drainage well (injection well) at the site of VES No. 6 to inject water downward. Drilling a hole (main drainage) around farm (II) or drilling a drainage well at site of VES No. 3 is suitable solutions for this farm. According to this study, the applied solution of drilled injection well in the farm (II) reduces the water logging level for about 4m.