This study is concerned with Cu, Ba and Au mineralizations in south Gabal Manqul, Northern Eastern Desert. These mineralizations are disseminated in breccia bodies through highly altered contact zone between coarse-grained biotite granite and medium two mica granitic intrusion. These breccia bodies tend to follow the ENE-WSW and N-S faults, where the hydrothermal mineralized fluids passed and the mineralizations were deposited. Extensive alteration haloes have been found where copper, barium and gold mineralization are restricted and exceed with intensive brecciation occurs.
The spectrometric measurements exactly separate between the two granite types and well discriminate the highly altered and mineralized zone. A hydrothermal origin has been proposed for these mineralized breccias where a high potential mineralized fluid associated the two mica granitic intrusion.
The applied geophysical work includes very low frequency electromagnetic (VLF-EM) and magnetic survey. These methods were used to investigate the geological and geophysical signature of these breccias and their hosted granite. The VLF study revealed that the subsurface mineralization is in the form of elongated bodies concordant with its structural features at the surface. The filtered VLF-EM contour map shows positive conductive anomalies. The breccias have gradational values of conductivity according to the degree of brecciation and the amount of quartz interfragmental filling. This strong conductivity was separated into parts of high amplitudes, resulting in an obvious exploration target.
The ground total magnetic-intensity map shows a relatively elongated anomaly for the Monqul mineralized zone. The prominence of the anomaly can be attributed to the strong contrast between the magnetic susceptibilities of Monqul mineralized zones and the surrounding granites. Both VLF and magnetic interpretation prove the extension of the ENE-WSW and N-S tectonic trends at different depths concordant with the surface.