The present work deals with analysis and modeling of gravity data in the area located between latitudes 27º 35` to 28º 55` N and longitudes 33º 20` E to 33º 40` E, in southern portion of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt, in order to clarify the regional geological framework and to yield a subsurface geologic configuration of both the basement and sedimentary cover. Seven drill-holes help provide reasonable subsurface information in order to control the interpretation.
A series of maps of residual, regional, analytical signal, second horizontal derivative and second vertical derivative were prepared and interpreted to reveal the subsurface lithology and structure controlling this area.
2D modeling of gravity data along five NE-SW trending profiles was performed to define the geometric and lithologic parameters governing this area.
Results obtained from the interpretation of residual, regional, analytical signal and second vertical derivative maps and modeling process were used to construct a basement tectonic map. The main structure recognized in this area is a system of alternating NW folding intersected by a set of NNE faults. It is evident that there are two major sets of faults that affect the studied area, Suez trend (NW-SE system) and Aqaba trend (NNE-SSW system).