The purpose of this research is to study the signatures of a gold mine (Um Salim), located in the Eastern Desert of Egypt, using aeroradiospectrometric data. To achieve this goal, interpretation of the total- count (TC) radiometric map, the three radioelement (K, eU & eTh) maps, the ternary radioelement composite image and the three radioelement composite images were carried out. Moreover, a two – dimensional trend analysis for the structural lineaments as traced from the geologic and total – count radiometric maps was conducted to define the relationship which might exist between location of the gold mine, lithologies and major structures of the area under consideration. The study revealed that the known gold mine is associated with very low aeroradiospectrometric levels on the four maps (TC, K, eU and eTh). They are all correlated with the same NE trend. There are other particular radiospectrometric ratio signatures for gold deposits on the (eU/eTh, eU/K and eTh/K) maps. Zones of potential hydrothermal potassic alterations can be discriminated on the potassium colour composite image. Ternary radioelement and composite images can discriminate also alteration zones in various degrees that correlate with the gold mine, but with no direct reference to gold occurrence location. These zones can be used as a diagnostic exploration guide for various types of non-radioactive mineral deposits (e. g., copper and gold). They involve changes in the relative concentrations of potassium in the original geologic environment. Four major tectonic trends were identified, that have the following directions: NE, NW, N-S and WNW, the most important of these trends is the NE direction which correlates well with the location of gold mine