Forty-three vertical electrical soundings are carried out in Wadi El-Natrun area to delineate the lateral and vertical irregularities of electrical properties, as well as to shed light on the subsurface geological and hydrogeological conditions prevailing in the area under investigation. Qualitative and quantitative interpretations of the available geoelectrical resistivity data are conducted in Wadi El-Natrun to define the shallow subsurface geological inferences and investigate the possibilities of finding groundwater accumulations. Moreover, the gecelectrical resistivity survey carried out within the present work aims at outlining the thicknesses and electrical resistivities of the encountered geoelectrical units. The interpretation of the obtained electrical resistivity values reveals the subdivision of the studied section into three geoelectrical units varying in their constituents. The first surface unit is of a relatively low, medium to high resistivity and consists of clays, sands and gravel. A layer of relatively low to medium resistivity sands (the main Pliocene aquifer in Wadi El-Natrun area) with clay intercalations underlie the surface unit. The third geoelectrical unit is of relatively high resistivity sands. Hydrogeologically, the Pliocene aquifer represents the main aquifer in Wadi El-Natrun area. The water-bearing formations consist of sand layers with clay intercalations. The groundwater in the Pliocene aquifer in the study area exists under confined to semi-confined conditions. The maximum thickness of such an aquifer reaches 200 m. The increase in thickness is marked to the northern and eastern parts of the area under study. Finally, the depth to the Pliocene aquifer ranges between 2 and 24 m..