MitraClip system implantation is a new technique for high-risk patients with severe mitral regurgitation and patients risky for surgical repair or replacement of mitral valve through cardiopulmonary bypass.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the anesthetic experience in high-risk patients undergoing MitraClip implantation.
Madinah Cardiac Center, Saudi Arabia.
Patients and methods
The study included 34 patients scheduled for MitraClip implantations in the catheterization laboratory. An arterial line and a central venous line were inserted before induction. Epinephrine was started before induction and milrinone infusion was started after induction. The anesthetic technique for induction and maintenance was the same for all patients. Monitors included the heart rate, the arterial blood pressure, the central venous pressure, arterial blood gases, the temperature, and the urine output.
All patients were hemodynamically stable intraoperatively and postoperatively. The intervention was successful in 33 cases and aborted in one case because of severe posteromedial leaflet tethering. Epinephrine and milrinone were weaned, and all patients were extubated, except for one mortality case that happened within the first 8 h postoperatively.
Percutaneous mitral valve repair with MitraClip implantation is a successful alternative in high-risk patients with symptomatic severe mitral regurgitation. Proper preoperative evaluation of the patients by an anesthetist and a cardiologist is very important. Starting epinephrine before anesthetic induction and milrinone infusion after induction resulted in a decreased pulmonary artery pressure, an increased ejection fraction, and maintained the arterial blood pressure during the procedure.