ArticlePost-right hemicolectomy ileostomy and mucous fistula through single skin opening: comparative study with ileostomy and mucous fistula through two skin openings
ArticlePost-right hemicolectomy ileostomy and mucous fistula through single skin opening: comparative study with ileostomy and mucous fistula through two skin openings
ArticleComparative study between transanal endorectal pull-through and modified Duhamel’s procedure in management of Hirshsprung’s disease
ArticleComparative study between transanal endorectal pull-through and modified Duhamel’s procedure in management of Hirshsprung’s disease
ArticleOutcome of laparoscopic diagnosis and treatment of intestinal malrotation in infants and young children
ArticleOutcome of laparoscopic diagnosis and treatment of intestinal malrotation in infants and young children
ArticlePredictors of Management Outcomes in Pathological Small Bowel Surgical Emergencies: A Prospective Study in a Busy Emergency Unit
ArticlePredictors of Management Outcomes in Pathological Small Bowel Surgical Emergencies: A Prospective Study in a Busy Emergency Unit
ArticleShort-term outcome of suture rectopexy in children with rectal prolapse: laparoscopic versus posterior sagittal approach
ArticleShort-term outcome of suture rectopexy in children with rectal prolapse: laparoscopic versus posterior sagittal approach