Spinal anesthesia is the preferred anesthetic method for elective cesarean sections (C.S.) due to considerable risks regarding airway management associated with physiological changes of pregnancy. Hypotension is reported to occur in up to 80% of spinal anesthesia cases. Many approaches have been tried to prevent spinal hypotension, e.g., fluid loading, vasopressors, or both. The aim of this prospective, randomized, double blind study is to compare the administration of intermittent i.v. boluses of norepinephrine and ephedrine to guard against the hypotensive effect of spinal anesthesia during cesarean delivery.
In the present study, 120 pregnant female undergoing elective CS were randomly divided into “group E” for ephedrine and “group N” for norepinephrine, 60 female in each group. Standard spinal anesthetic technique using 25 spinal needle under complete aseptic technique with injection of 1.8–2.2 ml of heavy bupivacaine 0.5% plus 25 μg of fentanyl according to female height. Group E will receive 10 mg of i.v. diluted ephedrine as hypotension prophylaxis, and group N will receive 16 μg as hypotension prophylaxis at the time of intrathecal block. Measurements of intraoperative episodes of hypotension and their treatment with the same dose of the studied drug in each group, incidence of intraoperative nausea and vomiting, and APGAR score of baby at 1 and 5 min will be recorded.
Compared with ephedrine, norepinephrine maintained maternal blood pressure. Further, it was associated with lower numbers of hypotension episodes, but more frequency of bradycardia during cesarean delivery.
Norepinephrine can be used as an alternative vasopressor to maintain maternal blood pressure during spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery, with no adverse effect on neonatal outcome.