Background: osteoarthritis diseases are a usual cause of disability and a significant public health burden. Good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle lead to improve osteoarthritis pain and symptoms. The aim of the study: was to determine the relationship between eating pomegranate fruits parts and osteoarthritis, and assess nutritional status, symptoms, and quality of life for axial osteoarthritis patients. Patients& Methods: The study sample included 114 osteoarthritis patients from 25 to 65 years, of both sexes, and free from chronic diseases, in the rheumatoid outpatient clinic at Assuit University Hospitals. They were divided into 4 groups. Group (1): taking drug therapy only (control group). Group (2): taking drug treatment +(50 mg/kg ) of pomegranate seeds. Group (3): taking drug treatment +(5 mg/kg) pomegranate peels powder (ppp). Group (4): taking drug treatment+(5mg/kg) ppp +(50 mg/kg) pomegranate seeds. Results: The results showed that Pomegranate peels powder contains the highest amount of moisture, ash and total Carbohydrate compared to Pomegranate seeds, pomegranate peels powder contains the highest total phenol and total flavonoid compared to Pomegranate seeds, Food habits form for patients improved after nutritional awareness. there was a significant improvement in the lifestyle of osteoarthritis (OA) patients with osteoporosis at P<0.00. P<0.01, P<0.05) respectively, as in the following groups (3,2,1). It has been proven that patients with osteoarthritis in the cartilage of the neck and back, especially patients of the third group, after followed a healthy diet regularly for six weeks and eating pomegranate seeds and peels powder, which relieve the resulting pain in the spine. Thus, it has been proven through these results that the third group showed a better improvement in their health compared to the patients of the first and second groups; This indicates the increase in antioxidants the pomegranate seeds, and peels powder, which works as an
improvement in arthritis. Conclusions: Pomegranate seeds, and peels powder consumption can improve physical function and stiffness and decrease the breakdown of cartilage enzymes in patients with axial osteoarthritis.