This investigation was conducted during (2021 and 2022) seasons to investigate the impact of individualor combination of three plant extracts termed:turmeric, onion and garlic extracts each at 0.05, 0.1 and0.2% individually or in combination at each concentration on growth and yield of Balady mandarin trees grown in the Horticultural Research Station orchard at Mallawy district, El-Minia Governorate, Egypt. Trees were grown under surface irrigation system using water supply of the Nile River. Plant extracts were sprayed at the 1st week of: March, May, July & September, single and mixture applications 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2 percentages.
The results revealed that all plant extracts proved to be a tool used to manipulate vegetative and reproductive growth, yielding and fruit quality characteristics and maximize yield and thus grown profit. Furthermore, garlic extract was better than the onion or turmeric extracts as a single applications. In spite of, plant extracts mixture applications provided the best possible values for tree growth and productivity and quality of fruit. Increasedmixing concentrations have a positive return with insignificant differences with the 0.1% concentration. Generally, results indicated that mixture of the three plant extract at 0.1 and 0.2% gave the highest values for tree growth, yield and fruit quality and leaf nutrient content of Balady mandarin trees under this study.