The main problem of the pear cultivar "Le-Conte" is large size of trees vegetative growth, this is due to the rootstock grafted on pyrusbetulaefolia , and also to high the fertility of the soil and the flood irrigation of the soil in the majority of site it is grown in the valley regions. Thus leads to diminish the productivity which poor quality attributes. Treatment were used foliar spraying at petal fall as follows; Gulliver (1% CPPU) 1, 0.5 and 0.25 cm/L, Gulliver 0.5 cm/L + GA3 (10% gibberellic acid) 0.15 g/L, Kinetin(0.004%) 1, 0.5 and 0.25 cm/L, Kinetin0.5 cm /l + GA3, benzyl adenine 0.0125 g/l and control. The following attributes were measured; fruit Set %, fruit retention %, yield (kg/tree), fruit characteristics (fruit weight (g), fruit firmness, juice TSS %, TA %), vegetative growth, chemical analysis (leaf content of nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium %) and hormones (GA3, IAA and ABA) protein electrophoresis content. The best results were due to Gulliver (CPPU) 1 cm/L at petal fall statistically the best treatment increased fruit set and fruit retention percentage, yield, decreased vegetative growth, increased IAA and lowest ABA content which highest number of protein bands and higher net profit/feddan. Kinetin treatment 0.5 cm/L + GA3 at petal fall induced the highest fruit weight, fruit size, fruit length, fruit width and gibberellic acid content compared to control during the three studied seasons.