An engineering vision in the rehabilitation of historic buildings aimed at preserving the historical and cultural value of buildings while meeting the needs of modern society and achieving sustainability. This vision includes several principles and practices in the rehabilitation of historic buildings, including:
Respect for historical values: Attention is directed to preserving the historical and architectural characteristics of buildings, such as heritage details, original materials and unique designs. These values are preserved through the use of appropriate maintenance and restoration techniques.
Past-present compatibility: Historical elements are combined with modern techniques and materials to improve building functions and meet users' modern needs. Modern fittings are provided proportionately to the historical environment.
Use of sustainable materials: Sustainable and environmentally compatible materials are selected to reduce environmental impact and ensure the sustainability of historic buildings. Materials such as sustainable wood and high efficiency thermal insulators can be used.
Technical innovation: Modern technology and innovation are used in restoration and rehabilitation processes to facilitate the process and improve results. Such as the use of 3D modeling and 3D printing techniques to provide complex details and pieces.
Transparency and communication: All relevant parties, such as architects, designers, local populations and government entities, are involved in the rehabilitation of historic buildings. Continuous communication and consultation are encouraged to achieve overall compatibility and acceptance.