The virulence of Klebsiella species were evaluated through both phenotypic and molecular assays. Virulence were assessed by the heamagglutination pattern, mannose resistance heamagglutination of klebsiella species against erythrocytes of different species (Cattle, sheep, horse and human (group O).Vero cell cytotoxicity, Suckling mouse assay and Congo red. 44 klebsiella isolates were recovered from internal organs of 150 camel carcasses with an overall incidence 29.3% .The sample were collected from slaughtered house in El-Kaliobia and El-Monofia governorates. The biochemical identification reavealed that 12 isolates were k.pneumoniae, 26 k .oxytoca, 6 k. rhinoscleromatis. The mannose resistant haemagglutination
pattern of k. pneumoniae isolates against erythrocytes of cattle, sheep, horse and human (group O) were 7,8,5,6 respectively, while they were 3,2,4,4 for k .rhinoscleromatis and 18,15,18,14 k. oxytoca. Cytotoxicity of isolated strains to vero cells were 72.7 %, cells showing severe vaculation and detachment.12 isolates of k. pneumonia and 12 isolates of
k. oxytoca screened via PCR for four virulence genes encoding fimbrial adhesins; fimH, invasins; traT and magA, and siderophores; iutA. All the 24 strains were positive to fimH and traT amplified 508 and 300 bp respectively, while 23 of 24 strains harbor iutA and all 24 isolates don't possess mag A