Forty Maghrebi she-camels (Camelus dromedarius) were used in the present work. Animals were divided into five groups according to their ages (eight each). The age of she-camels in the first, second, third, fourth and fifth groups was <5 to 8, <8 to11, <11 to 14, <14 to 17 and <17 to 20 years, respectively. The present study aimed to define the effects of udder measurements (cm), teat length (cm), and teat diameter (cm) in both Rear and fore teats and milk vein diameter (cm) before suckling, after suckling and after milking on milk yield (liter). Total and daily milk yield (liter) were determined. Milk composition (Fat (%), Proteins (%), Lactose (%), Total solids (%) and Ash (%) were estimated. Total protein (gm/dl), albumin (gm/dl), globulin (gm/dl), glucose (mg/dl), total cholesterol (mg/dl) and triglycerides (mg/dl) concentrations in
the blood serum were also recorded. The obtained results revealed that, ages of she-camels were insignificantly effects on daily milk yield (liter), while significantly (P<0.05) increased total milk yield (liter) especially of shecamels at <17 to 20 years as compared to other ages. The udder measurements (cm) were significantly (P<0.05) higher with the progress of age. The highest value was recorded in shecamel at <17 to 20 years after suckling. However, milk vein diameter (cm) was insignificantly different with the progress of age before suckling, after suckling and after milking. The teat diameter (cm) and teat length (cm) were insignificantly different with the advancement of ages. The highest value of teat diameter and teat length were recorded in Rear teats either before suckling, after suckling and after milking. Milk fat (%), milk lactose (%) and milk ash (%) contents were insignificantly affected with different she-camel ages. Milk protein (%) and milk
total solids (%) were significantly (P<0.05) higher at <5 to 8 years. The total protein (gm/dI), albumin (gm/dI) and globulin (gm/dI) concentrations were insignificantly different in the blood serum of she-camels at different ages. Glucose (mg/dI) and total cholesterol (mg/dI) concentrations in the blood serum of she-camels was insignificantly increase at different ages.
Triglycerides (mg/dI) concentration in the blood serum of she-camels was insignificantly decreased with different ages. In conclusion, milk yield and udder measurements in Maghrebi she-camels increased with the progress of age. Percentages of milk composition were insignificantly different with various ages of she-camels axcept milk protein (%) and total solids
concentrations. Blood serum constituents were insignificantly different with the progress of age