Centrifugal intermittent densities of sucrose solution column were used in person study. Dry sucrose was weighted at 1.5, 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5 g then, dissolved in one ml of sodium citrate buffer to prepare the sucrose density layers as SDL1, SDL2, SDL3 and SDL4 (2000 µL/density layer), respectively. Hence, four tubes of densities column were put in the four caves of
centrifugation rotor then, 1000 µL of raw semen / tube was placed on the top layer (SDL1) and centrifuged at 300 ɡ /20 minutes. Post-centrifugation, the density layers (SDL1, SDL2,SDL3 and SDL4) of each sucrose column tube were individually separated from bottom to top in empty four test tubes (2000µL/layer/tube) using micropipette with a tiny hole.
The tubes that contained SDL1, SDL2, SDL3 and SDL4 were incubated at 37oC for 60 minutes then, percentages of sperm motility, dead spermatozoa and abnormal spermatozoa were recorded. The fertility rates and sex ratio of lambs were also recorded with SDL1, SDL2, SDL3 and SDL4 layers using eighty ewes (20ewes/density layer). The results showed that sperm quality was not significantly different among SDL1, SDL2, SDL3 and SDL4 during incubation at 37oC for up to 60 minutes post-centrifugation. Advancing of incubation time for up to 60 minuts caused significantly (P<0.05) lower motility (%) however, significantly (P<0.05) higher dead spermatozoa and abnormal spermatozoa than 0 minutes with SDL1, SDL2, SDL3 and SDL4 post-centrifugation. The fertility rate of SDL1, SDL2, SDL3 and SDL4 layers; was 80.00, 80.00, 76.00 and 80.00%, respectively. The newborn female lambs were 14.29, 33.33, 73.68 and 85.00% while, the newborn male lambs were 85.71, 66.67, 26.32 and 15.00% in SDL1, SDL2, SDL3 and SDL4 layers, respectively. In conclusion from the previous results it could be concluded that centrifugal technique of sucrose gradient density column could conserve sperm livability and modulation the sex ratio of either newborn as male or female lambs.