60 unsexed one-day old broiler chicken obtained from commercial breeder farm and kept under hygienic measures. Chicks were randomly divided into three equale treatment groups each of 20 chicks. The first group was control, the second group was supplied with 2 ml bee venum (BV) /liter drinking water, and the third group was supplied with 1 ml bee venum (BV)/liter drinking water. All groups were fed ad libtim according to NRC (1994). All groups were kept under observation for 42 days. Feed intake, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio and performance index were calculated weekly along the experimental
period. At 21 and 42 day old, blood samples were collected to evaluate immune stimulant effect of bee venum ( BV) on differential leucocytic count (DLC), serum total protein, serum globulin, serum albumin, albumin / globulin ratio, phagocytic activity and phagocytic index and evaluation of IFN- gamma m RNA. Glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione
peroxidase (GPX) activities were determined as mentoring of BV as antioxidant agent. Liver samples were preserved in 10% neutral buffered formaline for histomorphlogical examination. The results showed that supplementation of bee venum (BV) at a dose level 1ml/ L and 2ml / L drinking water has significant effects on overall performance of broilers and an immune enhancing effect ;increase in heterophils and monocytes count , increase in level of IFN-γ cytokine and enhanced the phagocytic activity. Bee venum (BV) antioxidant activity showed increase in glutathione reductase enzyme activity as well as reducing the liver pathological alteration.