The present work was designed to evaluate the effect of platelet rich plasma (PRP) and platelet rich fibrin (PRF) for enhancing graft acceptance and healing of autologous full thickness skin graft in dogs. Eighteen dogs were included in the study; dogs were divided into two groups: PRP-treated group and PRF-treated group. In all groups, the skin on both sides of
the chest wall was prepared for the autogenous graft. Each side was used as donor and recipient for the opposite one. Two circumscribed full thickness skin incisions (4 cm in diameter) were harvested, one from each side, and implanted interchanged into the other side. Right side grafts were treated with either PRP (PRP-treated group) or PRF (PRF-treated
group). The left side grafts were implanted without any treatment to act as self-control. Dogs were evaluated clinically on fourth, 7th, 10th, 14th, 18th and 21st day. Evaluation criteria included evaluation of coloration, exudation and cosmetic appearance. Histopathological evaluation was done on the 7th, 14th and 21st day (3 dogs from each group at each time point). Evaluation criteria included evaluation of re-epithelialization, inflammatory cell infiltration, granulation tissue formation, angiogenesis, fibroblast proliferation as well as collagen orientation. The results of the present study demonstrated that, the platelet concentration gel (PRP & PRF) were successfully used as a biological sealant for enhancing wound healing of the full-thickness skin grafts in dogs. PRF demonstrated promising results in enhancing graft acceptance compared with PRP. In conclusion, PRF provided a good and useful alternative in the management of reconstructive surgery and enhancing graft acceptance because it is autologous, safe, inexpensive and easily prepared