Twelve healthy adult donkeys (7 males and 5 she-donkeys) aging from (5-10 years old) and weighing from (150-200kg) were used in this study. They were equally divided into two groups. Each group was then subdivided into two subgroups (3 animals each). All animalswere subjected to application of four full thickness circular skin incisions using punch devise with 1,5 cm diameter.They were created at medial aspect of the metacarpal / metatarsal regions. The first sub group was used as control, its wounds were treated by local dressing soaked with saline only while the second subgroup wounds were treated by equine amniotic membrane. On the other hand, the third subgroup acted as control, its wounds were treated by injection of saline only while the last subgroup wounds were injected by PRP. All animals
were kept under observation. Tissue samples for histopathological examination were taken at 1, 5,9,14 days post wounding from control and treated animals.The specimens were fixed, dehydrated and paraffin blocks were prepared, sectioned and stained with haematoxylin iodine. The gross clinical and histopathological findings declared a relatively delayed and incomplete healing in both the control subgroups. Meanwhile the amnion treated wound subgroup displayed faster healing process than PRP subgroup treated wounds at 14 days (p.w.).
In conclusion, the gross and histopatological investigations of comparative experimental studies on the use of fresh amniotic sheathes and autologous PRP for treatment of equine distal limb wounds indicated that equine amniotic membrane was found better and more efficient in acceleration of cutaneous wounds of equine limbs specially those of the distal imb region .