ArticleThe mediation of the effect of leverage on the firm value through earnings management: Empirical evidence from Egypt
ArticleThe mediation of the effect of leverage on the firm value through earnings management: Empirical evidence from Egypt
ArticleThe Effect of Financial Leverage and other firm’s characteristics on Real Earnings Management and Accrual Earnings Management: An Empirical Study on listed Firms in the Egyptian
ArticleThe Effect of Financial Leverage and other firm’s characteristics on Real Earnings Management and Accrual Earnings Management: An Empirical Study on listed Firms in the Egyptian
ArticleThe mediation effect of Firm Profitability for the Relationship between Managerial Entrenchment and Firm Value: An Empirical Study
ArticleThe mediation effect of Firm Profitability for the Relationship between Managerial Entrenchment and Firm Value: An Empirical Study
ArticleEarnings Management under Information Asymmetry at Initial Public Offerings in EGYPT: An Empirical Study
ArticleEarnings Management under Information Asymmetry at Initial Public Offerings in EGYPT: An Empirical Study
Articleالتأثيرات المباشرة والوسيطة بين حوکمة الشرکات جودة الأرباح ، وسياسة التوزيعات النقدية دراسة اختبارية علي الشرکات المصرية
Articleالتأثيرات المباشرة والوسيطة بين حوکمة الشرکات جودة الأرباح ، وسياسة التوزيعات النقدية دراسة اختبارية علي الشرکات المصرية
ArticleThe Relationship between Earnings Management and Credit Ratings and their impact on Firm Performance: Evidence from Egypt
ArticleThe Relationship between Earnings Management and Credit Ratings and their impact on Firm Performance: Evidence from Egypt
ArticleThe Role of Financial Reporting Quality in mitigating the Restrictive Effect of Dividend Policy on Capital Investment Expenditure: An empirical study
ArticleThe Role of Financial Reporting Quality in mitigating the Restrictive Effect of Dividend Policy on Capital Investment Expenditure: An empirical study
ArticleManagerial Ability and Fair Value Accounting: The Mediating role of Incentive-based Compensation
ArticleManagerial Ability and Fair Value Accounting: The Mediating role of Incentive-based Compensation