ArticleFrom hurt to harmony: Investigating the impact of workplace bullying on food and beverage employees' outcomes
ArticleFrom hurt to harmony: Investigating the impact of workplace bullying on food and beverage employees' outcomes
ArticleThe Impact of Transformational Leadership on Front Office Employees' Satisfaction and Organisational Commitment
ArticleThe Impact of Transformational Leadership on Front Office Employees' Satisfaction and Organisational Commitment
ArticleEffect of Organizational Politics on Job Insecurity in Hotels and Travel Agencies: The Moderating Role of Authentic Leadership
ArticleEffect of Organizational Politics on Job Insecurity in Hotels and Travel Agencies: The Moderating Role of Authentic Leadership
ArticleInternal Branding, Organizational Culture and Citizenship Behavior in Hotels and Travel Agencies: Green Perspective
ArticleInternal Branding, Organizational Culture and Citizenship Behavior in Hotels and Travel Agencies: Green Perspective
ArticleEmployment Stability, Guest Satisfaction, and Guest Loyalty in Tourism and Hospitality Establishments: the Role of the Customer Oriented Boundary Spanning Behaviors and Deep-Actin
ArticleEmployment Stability, Guest Satisfaction, and Guest Loyalty in Tourism and Hospitality Establishments: the Role of the Customer Oriented Boundary Spanning Behaviors and Deep-Actin
ArticleThe Effect of Fellow Workers’ Warmth and Competence on Frontline Employees’ Proactive Customer Service Performance and Turnover Intentions in Hotels
ArticleThe Effect of Fellow Workers’ Warmth and Competence on Frontline Employees’ Proactive Customer Service Performance and Turnover Intentions in Hotels