Background: At six months of age weaning is needed from that age because breast milk or infant formula
alone are not enough to cover the infant's energy needs or provide sufficient amounts of certain nutrients as
protein, zinc, iron and fat-soluble vitamins Aim of The Study: to assess mother's knowledge and attitudes
regarding weaning practice at Maternal and child Health Care Centers in Ismailia City. Design: A descriptive
design was utilized in this study. Setting: the study was conducted at the maternal and child health care
centers setting namely; Hai El-Salam, El-Sheikh Zayed, El-shohadaa and EL-Sabaa Banat affiliated to
Ismailia health sectors. Sample: Convenience sample was used in this study, the sample included 353 breast
fed mothers with infant aged from 6 month to 2 year. Tools of data collection: Two tools were used to
collect data the first tool a structured interview questionnaire sheet , the second tool ; Attitude inventory
included five items eliciting responses on likert scale. Results: indicated that 42.8% of mothers had moderate
knowledge level, while 64.3% of the mothers had a positive attitude towards weaning practice Conclusion:
the study concluded that less than half of the mothers had moderate level of knowledge regard weaning
practice, and also two third of the studied mothers had a positive attitude towards weaning practice.
Recommendation: Improve knowledge and attitudes of mothers regarding weaning practice through using
visual aids such as posters, illustrated pamphlets in simple and clear language booklets.